Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Frederick Douglass and Dominion of Wages

American history cannot be justly separated from the wrongdoings of white, male, State-facilitated land owners. It is not just mud on her boots, but a drowning typhoon of injustices. Slavery is her most condemned  facet. And yet, slavery persists.

I tutor kids in an elementary school, and I know that modeling good behavior is the best way to influence kids to copy good behavior. To copy is to learn, and innovation comes when we add to the collective knowledge of humanity. Today, I trekked to the school library with my classroom. Inside, some gathered tomes to peruse, while others' eyes sagged staring at the ceiling. I modeled reading and checking out books from the library. My section of choice, as it has been for the past few years, was the nonfiction section. I rented A Picture Book of Frederick Douglass. It's a couple scores of pages, and written by David Adler. Frederick Douglass was a great man. Born a slave, died a free man.

The book reads like a well painted Wikipedia article. Short and packed with facts. Here's a gem
Frederick longed to be free.
This is a simply written phrase, and the motor behind anarchist, libertarian, liberal and any other anti-authoritarian thought. Also, the motive behind the Laissez-faire portion of this blog's name.* Here is a more finely crafted gem
In New Bedford, Frederick worked loading and unloading ships, shoveling coal, and sweeping out chimneys. Frederick was pleased he didn't have to share his wages with a slave owner.
The text in bold is my emphasis. The State imposes a whole-scale theft of every wage earners' salary. The State calls it the income tax. After the State expresses its dominion over our wages, it reminds us that it is our benefactor by returning a percentage of our stolen earnings. I long for the day when we will be free. I long for the day when we don't have to share our wages with our slave owner.

Furthermore, we must end the State.

Post Scriptum:

*Uh oh, I collapsed the fourth wall. Shoutout to Deadpool.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Slavery in Chinatown

An editor tells me that local news should be scoured and devoured, for it holds the events close to the emotions of the masses. I listen. You and I tend to perk our ears when startling events occur in our neighborhoods. The news is the reporting of startling events. When I study the State, there is no bureaucratic shortage of news.

Los Angeles Downtown News reports that
Macy Liquor, a Chinatown shop that many community stakeholders long complained about, quietly closed about a month ago.
Why? Was it the bumbling incompetency of the American free market? Was it the poor recovery of the economy "after" the Great Recession? No comrade. Our enemy strikes again.
area leaders urged a city zoning administrator to revoke Macy's permit to sell alcohol
 Where to begin? This is an issue of dominion. Dominion is simply who owns what. Republican politicians and commentariat, and the rare Democrat, voice their approval of private property. They don't want to seem unAmerican. Though their voices may be legion, they are hosts to the level of falsehood that Greek sirens screeched at Odysseus. If I have dominion over my property, then no one can tell me what to do with it, so long as I do not use it to harm my fellow man. There is no middle path , when it comes to property. You either absolutely affirm it, or absolutely deny it. To partially affirm my right to my property, is to say someone else has dominion over it. When our, the proprietors, interests conflict, whom has the ultimate decision making power? Whomever she is, she has dominion.

I believe land ownership is the most important issue to those advocating free enterprise. A woman's house is her castle. You do not tell a woman what to do with her castle. The State, backed by its monopoly on kidnapping, does not allow a woman to sell alcohol without a permission slip from its licensing commissars. The State, backed by its monopoly on kidnapping, does not allow a woman to establish a shop without a permission slip from its zoning commissars. The State, backed by its monopoly on kidnapping, allows area leaders to petition it to crush the castles of women. If the State can do all of this, then we do not have private property. Instead, we have a world in which the State has dominion over all property. If we are told we have private property, yet it is only by the permission of the State that we can use it, we are under the dominion of the State. We are slaves to the State. Macy Liquor is a victim of slavery.

God bless America. Furthermore, we must end the State.

Post Scriptum:

Alexis de Tocqueville warned us of the tyranny of the majority in his magnum opus of American life, Democracy in America. Whenever people talk about the "public good", they are usually about to advocate the theft of private property. Eminent domain, or guidelines given to proper usage of property ensue.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Read Raimondo & Greenwald

Vociferous writer, and peacemonger, Justin Raimondo oft exposes the false dogma of the left-right paradigm. The so-called left and right bicker and groan like the siblings that they are. Their parents are central planning and the monopoly on force. A morally ugly family picture, to say the least. Like most kids, the left and right enjoy spending other peoples' money. On what? Guns and butter.

Guardian writer, and civil liberties extremist (an accolade he appreciates), Glenn Greenwald is the most prominent defender of liberty I see talk with the establishment. Thank you Mr. Greenwald. The butter I speak of, is the distribution of stolen goods called welfare. I don't know where Mr. Greenwald stands on this subject. I don't care. His barrier breaking work against guns sets him apart. When I speak of guns, I am referring to the military-industrial-complex. Drones, McCarthian witch-hunts for "terrorists", the indefinite kidnapping of humans without a trial, the indefinite kidnapping of humans after humans have cleared their names in court, and the prohibition of words not in line with the lilting bourgeoise sense of propriety, are the culprits of tyranny he jots notes on.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Guerilla Drones FTW

When you have faith in God, and in those he made in his image, the future is luminous. No matter the darkness that appears before us now. There might be a bad day, or forty years, as you wander to and fro through creation. But, the future will bear more fruit than the present. Or, as the Reverend Martin Luther King Junior so prettily told us
I come to say to you this afternoon, however difficult the moment, however frustrating the hour, it will not be long, because "truth crushed to earth will rise again." How long? Not long, because "no lie can live forever." How long? Not long, because "you shall reap what you sow."... How long? Not long, because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.
 The truth that is crushed to the earth, is the immorality, chaos, and social disintegration brought about by do gooders using the State. The lie, is that the State can secure your property. By definition, it must forcibly expropriate your property. Market Anarchist Kevin Carson's words weave an intricately patterned story to the contrary of the doom and gloom spread by most libertarian writers. He speaks of our future as overflowing the proverbial glass, with goodness. The word is optimismo. Click here for an audio account of his thoughts on the growth of drone production.*

Bring the Drones! His title selection speaks volumes, and multiple editions, to his view. Carson believes in the market. He believes in those made in His image. The trades of us image bearers are the market. Carson believes in us. He knows economic theory and the historicity of less State invasion in our trades. As we progress the market will eat the State. The voluntaryist flag has gold over black. The light will inevitably overcome the darkness. Corporate elites lose their ground every nanosecond Earth spins. Corporate elites rely upon State theft and the doling of stolen goods thereof. I am not afraid to call them by name; Lockheed Martin, Dyncorp, and Halliburton are a few. Today's drones are products driven by State fiat. When drones are mass produced due to demand by consumers, the moneychangers' temple tables will be overthrown.** Apply Moore's law, and do the arithmetic. Carson doesn't just slap the answer on his paper, he shows his work
The 20th Century was the age of the large hierarchical institution. By the end of the 21st, there won't be enough left of them to bury.
After you click the click here link above, and let Carson's prophecy sink in, remember emcee Immortal Technique's wisdom on the subject of guerrilla/asymmetric warfare
The point of guerrilla war is not to succeed, it has always been to make the enemy bleed, depriving the soldiers of the peace of mind that they need, bullets are hard to telegraph when they bob and they weave, the only way a Guerrilla War can ever be over, is when the occupation can't afford more soldiers. 
Furthermore, we must end the State.

Post Scriptum:
*It is written by Kevin Carson, but orated by James Tuttle
**Saint Matthew's good news chapter twenty-one