Saturday, March 16, 2013

Thank You Johnny Williams

Justice is an elusive maiden that rarely shows her face on the worldly plane. She is no goddess, but an idea. Ideas are revered by men, because they show us how weak we are. They remind us of our finitude. Our bodies, our money, and our monuments will all fade to dust in the ages of ages. But, our ideas live forever.

The commentariat choose to refer to State schools as houses of education, and State courts as houses of justice. This is a lie. State schools administer State dogma to the next generation- making sure our kids accept the faith in coercion. State courts uphold the "living" constitutions that shift the definitions of terms more than Hollywood totters and teeters on paths of hip diets and religions.* The laws they uphold have been read in their entirety by no sane judge. The diction in the laws is purposefully selected to confound expert and layman alike. If justice were to be weighed on the scales of quantity we would be winning in the United States of America. Don't you lose hope in the misery of my jeremiad. Grit is a fertile Redwood that bears milk and honey. It will see us to the port of liberty, in a world of consensual courts. Until then, there are moments that we can praise the release of another life from the tentacles of Leviathan.

Johnny Williams is an innocent man that was kidnapped by a gang of men with guns that calls themselves government**. The police officers (deacons of Leviathan) stole fourteen years of Williams's life based on the faith in hearsay. His so-called crime was the rape of a nine year old. An act he did not commit, as proven by the science of forensics. The Huffington Post article I read this in words the injustice of the State with fatal precision
 The release said Williams was put in a line up despite not matching the girl's initial description of her attacker... Though he told police 45 times that he didn't attempt to rape the girl, authorities told him "they had dozens of witnesses, security video, and DNA evidence," the release said.
They had none of the above. The police officers that told these lies are evil. In the vein of Virgil, I write ever more boldly against their evil. The difference between coercive and free enterprise is in the consequences of mistakes. Especially when they are of this magnitude. Any free enterprise's profits would plunge into the Abyss after a mishap of this magnitude. The employees that messed up would be fired, and the higher ups would have to live the rest of their days with a scarlet letter on their foreheads. But, the State fails and fails and fails and fails and keeps its staff. In fact, they may get raises and be asked to increase regulation on themselves. You know, because that works.

Thank you Johnny Williams, for surviving the Boa constrictor hold of the State and living to tell your tale. You were released from your cell with lips that still thank the lord God. You give me hope that the State cannot keep us down forever. When the rule of law is Kritarchy, I pray to never hear a story like yours again.

Post Scriptum:

*It's really one religion rehashed with a thesaurus of euphemisms. Nihilism or nothingness. The idol worship of the self that results from the hubris denial of objective truth.
**British philosopher Thomas Hobbes thinks that "life is nasty, poor, brutish and short." His solution is to give the government power to forcibly mold our lives. He refers to this forceful governance, or State, as Leviathan, and trusts her sword to hold us upright.

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