Before Christ(B.C.) and Ano Domini have been replaced with Before Common Era(BCE) and Common Era(CE). If they want a different schema, then they should pick a different point in time to base our system of dating on. Instead of that aggressive aggressive approach, which would be the honest route, they seek the covert art of shrouding terms with euphemisms. This helps to serve the passive aggressive agenda of those whom detest the truth and reason. Vagueness is their ally. Sunshine and precise language would expose the falsehood of their way of life. The claim of Christianity is knowledge of the truth, while the BCE crowd is composed of; polylogists, postmodernists, deconstructionists, perspectivalists, positivists and the litany of foes I felled in my Logic and Language post. Gerard Casey, in his new primer Libertarian Anarchy: against the state, illuminates
there is also a self-referential constraint on theories, namely that theories must not render impossible the conditions of their own statement or the conditions of their being maintained. If they do so, they are theoretically self-stultifying.These self-stultifiers have given us Spring and Winter break. As if the holy days of the Anointed One's(Kristos) birth and of his resurrection are not the underlying cause of vacation during those periods of the year. They desire a world in which we all gather around a warm campfire and sing kumbaya my lords, instead of kumbaya my lord. The lords being themselves. When they discredit the one true God they do not free themselves of masters. Human beings are always subject to a master. Whether that master be the flesh and earthly desires or God and an eternal plan. The detesting of truth empowers the self-stultifiers. It gives them reign, sovereignty, ownership and dominion. By saying no one is right and there should be acceptance of all ideas, people can get away with whatever subjective whims pop into their conscience.
Ceding to caprices is the essence of hedonism. The idolatrous worship and supplication of earthly pleasures. Today is Halloween, a supposed holiday. It is in fact a day, but there is nothing holy(set apart) about it. Halloween is a remnant of Celtic pagan heritage and ceding to earthly pleasures remains a central tenet thereof. Thankfully I do not know anyone today who still wears demonic clothing in order to repel unwanted spirits that have seeped into our world. That aspect of the pagan celebration is antithetical to self-stultifiers and Christians alike. For the self-stultifiers are just complicated atheists, and atheists oppose paganism too. The piece of paganism that has stayed with us, besides the mixed heritage of jack-o-lanterns, is overindulging, binging and impersonating evil. Candy overdose should not be celebrated, let alone candy overdose on the day of a pagan holiday. While festive dressing up might not be problematic, impersonating evil figures is. Even if you are not doing so to ward off other malevolent beings. I have sinned in this regard for more than two decades. Henceforth, I shall not. Christians heed my words.
Glory be to the father, glory be to the son and glory be to the holy spirit, one God
Oh arbiter of arbiters, purity incarnate, light of light,
forgive me my past transgressions,
rid me of as many imperfections as thy will allow,
through supplication, I humbly attempt to follow thine inerrant guidance,
by loving my sisters and brothers of humanity,
thy word will be kept forever and ever.
In the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit, one God AMAYN.
Post Scriptum: Halloween is especially suspect to Orthodox Christians this year. This year Halloween falls on a Wednesday. In the orthodoxy Wednesday is a fasting day, in remembrance of Judas' betrayal of Kristos. The irony of binge eating on a day of fasting is poignant.
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