Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The word is Liberal

I want to keep this blog filled with as much original content as I deem feasible, and I shan't skimp on the writing. However, I do come across an article from time to time that is so pertinent that I simply must share it. This FreeMan article covers the confusion that occurs when using terms such as left or right as political descriptors. The terms have changed with time, and are beyond obsolete. Leonard Read, whom is the author, clearly and concisely illustrates this point. His fault is only that he could not provide a more adequate word than libertarian.

Libertarian is fine, and thus his fault is minimal. However, one of the goals of this blog is to reclaim the term Liberal from the interventionists. And thus I say a better word to describe the liberty/freedom/capitalist mentality is Liberal. Noninterventionist is the most specific and accurate, but it has the burden of being wordy. I prefer a term that positively declares what I am to one which denotes what I am not. I believe that individuals should be free. I am a Liberal.

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